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5 consejos para maridar vinos y quesos - DISEVIL

5 tips for pairing wines and cheeses

1. The type of cheese and wine is important

Before creating a pairing between cheeses and wines, you should know that both products must have a lower or equal level of intensity. For example, if we choose a soft cheese, the wine or liquor chosen must be low in alcohol and flavor.

We must also take into account the type of cheese (cow, sheep, goat or mixture) that we will use for the combination, and the preparation, whether it is fresh, cured or semi-cured. All this basic information will help us know which wine tastes best with this dairy.

2. Wines and cheeses from the same place combine better

The experience of “ winelovers ” has shown that wines and cheeses made in the same region mix very well on the palate and do not disappoint. You can try a Zamora cheese for example with a DO Toro wine or a goat cheese with a Sauvignon Blanc .

3. Red wines combine better with mature cheeses

If the cheese we want to pair is cured or aged, we must look for a red wine with personality, intensity and a lot of flavor. Although we prioritize red wine, we must emphasize that this rule also applies to white wines , the important thing to drink with these cheeses is that they have aging time.

This tip is because as the cheese ages it loses water content and becomes rich in flavor due to its large amount of fat, something that is counteracted on the palate thanks to the intense flavor of the wine.

4. Super strong cheeses mix best with sweet wines

If you like fragrant cheeses such as Roquefort, Vieux, Pont-l'eveque, Gorgonzola, Cabrales or any other with a washed rind and blue veins, you should know that you can combine them wonderfully with dessert wines , those sweetness that helps balance the intensity of these dairy products, making them creamier in the mouth.

5. Sparkling wines with creamy cheeses

Thanks to their high acidity and carbon content, sparkling wines combine perfectly with creamy cheeses such as Brie or Camembert and offer a palate-cleansing effect with every sip.

Other data to consider

Spreadable cheeses such as Torta de Casar or Divirìn also mix well with young and fruity red wines.

A fresh cheese combines better with light and dry white wines and a Parmesan with young red wines or if you like whites more, you should choose aged wines.

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